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Limitations on Bank Ownership in Iran with Comparative Study Mahmood Bagheri1, Nafise Shooshinasab2
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Hate Speech in the International Human
Rights Law Abdolmajid Soudmandi, Bahram Mostaghimi Qomi
Reasoning and Ways of Detection Ratio in Analogical Argument;
Comparative Study in Islamic Law and Common Law Hossein Simaee Sarraf
A Comparison between Gambling and Futures Contracts in English and Islamic Law Mohammad Issaei Tafreshi, Mohammad Mahdi Hajian2,, Seyyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad3, Kazem Yavari4
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The Concept and Nature of Human Trafficking in International Instruments, and Iran and Germany Laws Mohsen Eini
The Penal Populism Approach to Sexual Crimes (A Comparative Study) Mohammad Bagher Moghaddasi1, Mohammad Farajiha2
The Concept of Executive Power Ali Bahadori Jahromi2, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaee1
Comparative Study of Foundations and Functions of the Models of Constitutional Justice Mojtaba Vaezi
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