P h.D. Graduate, Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract: (11104 Views)
Mohammad Tohidi Fard
Ph.D. Graduate, Tarbiat Modarres University
One of the most significant events related to the beginning of twenty first century is the trrific evidence of Sep. the 11 th of 2001 in which horrible attacks were done against economical, political and military center of the U.S.A. Many people stated this event as a new born beginning in the world records. Considering different dimension of this evidence and reactions of other governments around the world, the U.S.A. attacked Afghanistan in order to perish causes of destroying the twin towers and the Pentagon under the name of "Battle against the terrorism" .As a result, Taliban system in Afghanistan perished but with the new configuration of Afghanistan government, the rumor of U.S.A. military operation toward Iraq, Somali and Yemen spread more. The evidence of the Sep. the 11 th of 2001 from the International Criminal Law point of view as International Terrorism is am instamce of an International governmental Crime which means a threat against International peace and security. Against such criminal activities, U.N. Security Council can use the mentioned authorities in the 7 th part of the U.N. Charter, actions on 41 and 42 Articles, with subject of applying to the punitive sanctions. In case of no application on behalf of Security Council, according to the 51 Article of the U.N. Charter, victim Government can lise its own rights of defence and Counter armed attacks according to legal points of self-defence.
Received: 2012/04/30 | Accepted: 2012/04/30 | Published: 2012/04/30