Ph.D. in Private Law, Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University,
Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7472 Views)
Consumer protection is very important for the today society. This theory aim to make a legal framework to protect & guarantee the consumer's rights like having safe goods & services right, having information right, choice right, etc. Unfortunately there are not any special rules and provisions in this respect in Iranian law.
But the Iranian judges, in their cases, verdict by interpretation of the present law and take help by comparing the Iranian law and regulations with the law and jurisprudence of other same legal systems, like French law.
This article compares the conditions and possibility of creating security obligation in Iran and France legal systems. This paper wants to consider the ability of Iranian system to protect the consumer´s rights.
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Received: 2013/03/30 | Accepted: 2013/06/19 | Published: 2013/06/21