Volume 23, Issue 2 (2019)                   CLR 2019, 23(2): 135-158 | Back to browse issues page

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mirabbasi B, rezaei M. International responsibility of governments caused by environmental degradation in international armed conflicts (comparative study of international environmental law and international criminal law. CLR 2019; 23 (2) :135-158
URL: http://clr.modares.ac.ir/article-20-29333-en.html
1- Full ProfessorوFaculty of Literature and Humanities,Tehran University, Tehran, Iran , mirabbasi@ut.ac.ir
2- Ph.D. Student of Public International Law,Alborz Campus, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (8660 Views)
Armed conflicts in each and every place of this planet have different consequences, one of the most important of which is the destruction and damage to the environment. In order to protect the environment in international armed conflicts, the rules for environmental protection in the areas of international law has been conducted and the principles and rules of international responsibility of governments have been explained the destruction of the environment in the conflict and their obligation to compensate for the damage. These areas are currently subject to the general rules of international responsibility in international public law, due to the significant progress made by international environmental law and international criminal law, in recent decades, the elaboration of specific international rules for protecting the environment in international armed conflicts is necessary.
This article attempts to examine the limits and effects of the responsibility of States resulting from these violations by analyzing the rules governing international environmental law and international criminal law. Identifying the challenges and complexities associated with determining the international responsibility of governments in this regard is another achievement of this study.
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Article Type: Original Research |
Received: 2019/01/12 | Accepted: 2019/03/12 | Published: 2019/06/20

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