Assistant Professor of Law, Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract: (6105 Views)
Mohmoud Sadeghi
Assistant Professor of Law, Tarbiat Modarres University
After a description of human cloning, and a review of various divine religious authorities point of views (Christian, Jewish and Islamic) and a report of legal attitudes and global policies on human cloning, both reproductive and therapeutic, we shall discuss this matter according to the Islamic, especially Shiat jurisprudence. As a general result of this research, human reproductive cloning, if could not intrinsically be prohibited, it seems unjustifiable because of its various bad consequences, such as disorder of family system, confusion of clones family relations, possibility of body and mental diseases for clones and suffers of egg donors women and surrogate mothers, regarding to a number of Islamic jurisprudence rules, such as rule of self preservation and necessity respect for human beings and the leading rule of “la zarar” (ban of causing harm to oneself and other) and prevention of confusion of social system order, etc. However use of cloned human embryos for research and exploitation of stem cells to produce transplantable tissues and organs, seems, acceptable, regarding to the important promises of these researches for scientific development in the field of biomedicine, with high benefits for the mankind and bearing in mind that reasons in the authentic Islamic texts for respect of human embryo are related to its post implantation stages.
Received: 2004/07/7 | Accepted: 2004/09/15 | Published: 2004/10/22